As Years Pass By

She was 11 when she first dreamed of her prince charming, except her prince charming was more of a dark knight from a faraway kingdom than a handsome prince. In her dreams, nothing was imperfect. They met at a balcony in summer, and everything was sweet, wonderful, and naive. In the dream, they loved each other right away, and they shared their first kiss under the stars.

She turned 13, and her charming prince was no longer a charming prince. He was Allanneire Radgon from London. He had a twin sister, loving parents, two annoying cousins, and a step-brother he cherished completely. She loved his family as her own, and she would often attend family dinners, movie night, and laugh along side them. She became part of their lives, and she thanked God for the joy He gave.

15 hit, and things started to get rocky. Mama found out of her Allan. She tried everything she could to get rid of him. Mama told her he didn’t exist, that prince Allan is just a mere imagination. Mama said her obsession with Allan was unhealthy, and she couldn’t understand what she was thinking. Allan was waiting for me, she told Mama. Can I go to Allan, she asked Mama. She made an enemy out of Mama, but she didn’t care. Mama had her for 15 years, it’s Allan’s turn now.

The roughest was when she blew her candles of her 18th Birthday. It was harder for her to see her Allan. She didn’t know what it was, but Allan started to walk away, and it scared her to death. It was suffocating. It was painful. It’s hard to breath without Allan. It’s hard to smile. She realized it must be because a handsome, young guy was attracted to her. She turned him down in an instant, of course. She was Allan’s. She giggled, of course Allan was jealous. This was why she didn’t engage any relationship with anyone.

Her wedding bells was a cry of the devil she feared to hear, but alas, it rang, on her wedding day as she stared back into her reflection. Stood a young woman at the age of 22. Her make up was running down her face. She couldn’t do this. She begged for Mama to hear, but Mama was getting old and she wanted her to start producing children. Children from a man she didn’t love. Mama said they were perfect, and that if Allan really did loved her, he would be here by now. She hated Mama for being right, and she hated Allan for not being the groom in her wedding. She sobbed again, staining her white dress. The guest won’t appreciate it, but she didn’t care. She was betraying Allan. Her heart was breaking apart. She couldn’t care less of what they think.

30. She kissed her second offspring goodnight. Allan was back to the charming prince. No, scratch that. He’s just a prince now. Not charming at all.

50. The prince was long gone. Right now, she was crying because her first child just received his PhD. What would he be like if his father was a different man?

70. Her husband of 48 years passed. She shed no tears.

75. Strolling down at a park was one thing she did quite often these days when she was not with her grandchildren. It was relaxing to see all the children laugh so freely. Her wheelchair suddenly bumped into a boy. She was ready to apologize, but he stole her words. He bowed deep like a gentleman that one charming prince was.

She asked him of his name.

His smile took her breath away.

“Allan Radgon, Madame. Again, I apologize.”

She shook her head, feeling dazed. “You have nothing to apologize for, I was the one who bumped into you.”

The boy who called himself Allan pressed his lips together, like as if he was remembering, hard. He shook his head eventually and bowed again, excusing himself.

80. Her last breath was taken right how she hoped it would be. Allan was holding her cold, wrinkly hands in his. He was by her sickbed. He had been visiting her for five years, with new flowers to bring each week. He had been making up for the lost years, though he probably not have realized that that was what he had been doing for five years. He was 13 now, and she was 80.

“Tell me what you think,” she whispered to him.

He heard her. He kissed her hands. “I wish I had found you sooner, Madame. Much sooner.”

She gave a breathy chuckle. “Some things are not meant to be.”

Allan was close to tears. “Not in this lifetime.”

She felt hear heart give away.

“I will find you sooner in the next life,” he choked between tears, eyes staring deep into hers. It was all blurry, and she could see the dark coming her way. She smiled and caressed his hand with one thumb.

She exhaled one last breath.

Darkness took her sight.

She was back to 8, with dress and pigtails.

She was breathless from running away from her friends. They were playing hide and seek. She wasn’t good at hiding, she never liked hiding.

She felt a tap on her shoulder.

She turned to the person, expecting him to be the ‘it’, but her scowl didn’t make it. She recognized him, with all his glory. She recognized the same blue eyes, the same soft smile, and she suddenly remembered the smell of the hospital, the white gown, and the promise a boy made long ago.

“I found you.”

A teardrop fell. She remembered who he was.

You did.

This lifetime, their path crossed.

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