Hit me with your best shot.

Here's to us
“Guys like you, you know,” he told her once upon a time. “Many thinks you’re not so bad, but they don’t approach you because they see you and they see a person who holds dearly to her religion.” She laughed, “I suppose that’s a good thing.” But she wishes someone had tried. “Is that your […]
Disclaimer: Video is by AreWeFamousNow Youtube Channel. I do not gain profit whatsoever from sharing this video.
Did you not consider the work and only saw the hefty gold? If so, then by all means please take your leave.
Birds were chirping and hearts were beating. Ex-friends were sitting on swings side by side. Silence took over as they lightly swung to avoid conversations, and faces were buried in their own smartphones. They decided they needed to talk long ago, but hey, they never really gotten the chance to. It was too complicated, too many […]