Sisterhood Indonesia 2016

Last weekend, Wardah Cosmetics along with the great Islamic designer Dian Pelangi held the sixth annual Sisterhood 2016 in Lippo Kemang, Jakarta. Sisterhood, as the name mentions, is an annual free event for all Muslim sisters around Jakarta where they hold talk shows, clothing booths, and fashion shows. It’s the one day where Hijabers can style and feel confident in a supporting environment.

This year’s Sisterhood was my first, and it was a great experience.

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Even Dian Pelangi herself showed up!



This year, the amazing fashion blogger and YouTuber from Netherland, Ruba Zai, came to a visit and did a talk show as well as a tutorial on her daily look.

IMG_7273 IMG_7283 IMG_7289I had the chance to have a chat with her, which you can read in my previous post.

There were also plenty of clothing booths on sale! My mother and I exhausted ourselves checking every single booths.

IMG_7294hijup stand 1IMG_7309 IMG_7308hijup stand 2Hijup gave each girls who took photo in their cute booth and updated it on Instagram a free bag, which came in handy when you need something to carry all your shopping items.

All in all, it was a great experience. It felt great to realize I’m not the only person who’s looking for comfort in my Hijup. I hope I can come to more of these events in the future.


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