Homecoming on Eid
Eid Mubarak to all those who celebrate! In Indonesia, Eid is a moment where you pack up all your stuff and go back home to the places where you originally came from. Or, for children, back to their grandparents’ villages. This year, just like last year, I went back to Sidoarjo (somewhere in East Java) to my grandma’s house from my father’s side. On the second day of Eid, though, we went to a gathering with family from my mother’s side, and this is what a cousin and I did as we grew a bit too bored.
Yeaah i think that’s all you can remember huh? Wkwk. Altough it was a short time meet up with you, i had much fun tho. Can’t wait till the next time we’ll see each other again. Happy Eid mubarak (better late then never right (?))
nice, i like that bag.