2017 It takes no sweat to see the longing that lingers in your eyes and the heavy restlessness that resides on your shoulder. You stare far into the open sky, eyes following the white trail the plane leaves on its flight. Then, and only after you’ve accepted that you are stuck on earth, you shift […]
years agoin my dreamsi envisionedathena walking downthe shore ofgreece, and shewas all alone in my dreamsshe knelt downbegged for peacefor her love a rider ofchimaerawho’s now lostyet still not gone so i sleepforever more’till the dayhe is found
Kak, Instagramnya kenapa? Kamu, 20XX Kalau kalian pernah menanyakan ini ke platform sosial media aku baik di YouTube, Instagram (melalui second acc) dan Twitter, sini aku kasih tiga kemungkinan yang terjadi, dari yang paling tinggi chance-nya sampai yang paling unlikely. Pertama, usia kamu di bawah 13 tahun dan batasan usia minimum yang aku set di […]
Halo penanya! Bismillah, aku coba bantu jawab ya. Disini aku mau highlight beberapa poin yang menurut aku penting. Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan oleh penanya, mahasiswa program G30 adalah mahasiswa independen, dalam artian tidak ada komunitas khusus antar alumni dan calon mahasiswa seperti sebagaimana program MEXT/Monbu jalur embassy. Lalu yang membimbing ketika sudah sampai di Jepang […]
This year, I picked up an interpreting job at the local city hall. As an interpreter, my job is to interpret Japanese to Bahasa Indonesia (and vice versa) for Indonesian and Malaysian parents and students in various school settings. Recently, a large number of Malaysian families came to Japan and they currently reside at Ikeda, […]
There are two kinds of people in this world, the one to live and enjoy the joys and hurdles of life as it goes on, and the one who ensures every course of action in life is calculated to precision to produce maximum results. I have always been the second one. I have always lived […]
If you’re a regular visitor to this blog, you will know that I left it for a while. Look at the archives, see how rarely I made a blogpost in 2017-2020. Why? well, I didn’t really have the time, and I lost the passion to do so. I started writing because I felt the need […]
Maximum Healthcare in Times of COVID-19 The increasing number of COVID-19 cases has been doing its task in reminding us once again to constantly take care of our health by doing the most basic healthcare methods, such as washing our hands, wearing masks, and watching our diet. A step beyond these methods, we can also […]
I’ve done it before, once. It was back in 2017, sometime in September. Before you call the cops or question my sanity, allow me to clarify what I mean by murder. I’m taking the term straight out of Diary of an Oxygen Thief, a book written by a recovering alcoholic who documented the murders he’s […]
Now that I have decided to come back, I feel like I owe some sort of an explanation as to why I left in the first place. The short version is, I felt like I didn’t need this blog anymore. The main reason I started writing back then was because I needed a confidant, someone […]